Water and Wellness

We all know hydration is key to overall health and wellness but it's even more important for seniors. Being sufficiently hydrated is a great way to help improve and maintain health, as hydration helps regulate body temperature, acts as a shock absorber and lubricant, aids digestion, and eliminates waste. Water can also help maintain physical strength, promote cardiovascular function, boost skin appearance, and lend energy. That’s why it’s so important for seniors to drink plenty of water throughout the day—even if there isn't always a craving for it like when we were younger. To stay hydrated on their journey to health, seniors should aim for consuming between 8-10 8oz glasses of water daily!

Some Healthy Habits to incorporate into your day:

  • Drink water often and regularly

  • Take Breaks to prevent dehydration

  • Stay away from caffeine and sugary drinks

  • Choose fresh fruit over sweets

Enjoy the benefits of improved overall health and wellness!


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